It is free to add a listing.
Paid advertising opportunities, such as Featured Advertising or Banner Advertising will be available soon.
- Register
- Profile
- Create Listing (Submit Listing)
- Edit Your Listing
- Delete Your Account
- Need Help?
- Keep Checking
- First you need to register (create an account).
- You will need to create a username. This should be at least 4 characters or more. You will not be able to change your username. If you follow the guidance in the Profile below, your username should not be made public.
- Add your email address.
- Add a password. Try to create a password which is difficult to guess. You can use letters, numbers, capital letters and symbols and it must be at least 10 characters or more.
- Add your organisation name. This may be visible on the website.
Once you have logged in you will be directed to the Dashboard.
- Your First Name will automatically be filled in with your organisation name.
- You do not need to add anything to your profile.
- If you choose to add any extra information to your profile please note, it may be live on the website, so only add what you are happy to be visible.
Please note, the order of default for your ‘name’ to be visible on the website is
- First Name
- If the ‘First Name’ hasn’t been completed your Full Name will be visible
- If the ‘First Name’ and ‘Full Name’ haven’t been competed your Username will be visible (it is advisable not to have your username visible)
Create Listing (Submit Listing)
- Click on the ‘Submit Listing’ button to create a new listing.
- Choose one of the following directory sections: Fix It / Get It / Give It
- There is no limit to the number of listings you can create.
We just ask that you keep them up-to-date and remove them if they are no longer valid. - Once you have submitted the listing it will be sent to the administrator to approve before being displayed online.
If you need help, click on any of the following below:
- Choose listing type
- Title
- Sell or Donate / Buy, Receive or Hire / Repair
- Long Description
- Short Description
- Select a Category
- Tag
- Events
- Type of Organisation
- Registered Charity Number
- Cause
- Donations accepted from
- Location
- Contact Information
- Map
Choose listing type
- If this option is available, it will give you the choice of General listing or Featured listing.
- A general listing is free.
- A featured listing incurs a charge. This is currently not available.
The title can be the name of your organisation or perhaps your campaign.
Sell or Donate / Buy, Receive or Hire / Repair
Tick the relevant box(es). This is from the perspective of the person reading your listing.
Long Description
- This can be any length and will be shown on your listing page.
- Please use as many key words as possible as this is what the keyword search will pick up. So please include any specific items such as bikes, wedding dresses etc.
- Please avoid mentioning items you don’t accept/sell as they will confuse the search.
Short Description
- This will be displayed on the search results page.
- When the listing is displayed in grid format it only displays approximately 50 characters.
Select a Category
- You must select at least one category.
- There is no limit to the number of categories you can add but please keep them relevant.
- The WasteNot page lists all the categories, which might help you to assign categories. If you feel an item could fall under more than one category please list it in both categories to aid the person searching.
- If you think we should add any extra categories, please let us know.
Choose the relevant tags, if applicable.
- If applicable please tick box for events.
- There is the option to add dates, but please keep this up-to-date.
Type of Organisation
Please state if you are a business, a not for profit organisation, or a business with a not for profit scheme.
There is also the option of ‘other’ in case your organisation does not come under any of these. If so, it would be great if you contacted us in case it is something we can add.
Registered Charity Number
If you are a charity, please give your charity number.
If applicable, please select one or more causes.
Donations accepted from
If you accept donations, please state whether they can be from individuals and/or businesses.
There are 2 location sections to complete
Drop down box
This will be displayed on your listing.
- Select from the drop down box.
- You can add multiple locations to one listing but if you would like each location to be searchable by the map, or to have their own address, you will need to create a separate listing for each location.
- Multiple locations can look messy in grid view so it is advisable to have a maximum of 3.
- If you are located across the country, please select ‘nationwide’.
- If products can (also) be distributed in the post or via courier, tick the box for Post/Courier in the location section.
Check boxes
This will be used to search location(s).
- There is no limit to the number of boxes you can tick.
- If ‘nationwide’ tick every box
Contact Information
- You have the option to state your phone number and email address.
- Listing your website is essential. No listings will be published without a valid website.
- If you do not want your address to be visible, leave the address box blank.
- When entering your address it might come up with a pre-set address but you can amend it. The address should pinpoint your location on the map. You can also move the location icon on the map (please note, this might change the address).
- You can also pinpoint your address on the map by entering the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
To find these co-ordinates go to or and enter your postcode. - If you do not want the map to be shown click on hide map.
This is important because if you haven’t inputted an address or hidden the map, the map will still be shown but with a default location (currently Buckingham Palace!)
Edit Listing
- When you edit and resubmit your listing your current listing will go offline and will show as ‘pending’ in your account until it has been approved.
- You can delete your listing by pressing the delete button.
Delete your Account
- You can delete your account at any time. If you would like to delete your account, please click here and put ‘Delete Account’ in the subject box. Please input the email address you used to create the account.
- If you delete your account, your listings will automatically be transferred to the administrator so please delete your listings as well.
- Please contact us if you would like to transfer your listing(s) to another person.
Need Help?
Have a look at other listings. If you still need help, contact us.
Keep Checking
This is a new website and so we might find things need to be changed, added, tweaked etc. Please bear with us and please let us know if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions.