The WasteNot List

Pet Products

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Donate blankets, sheets, towels, second hand goods, tack & pet equipment to the Oak Tree Animals' Charity.

Donate blankets, towels, bedding, food, treats & toys to the RSPCA Radcliffe Animal Centre.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Animal

Donate cat items, towels, bedding, books, stamps, coins, jewellery and unwanted gifts to The Scratching Post.

Donate towels, sheets, newspapers, pet food, treats & toys and unwanted jewellery to aid animal rescue.

Donate food, drink, clothing, toiletries, household items, pet supplies and bedding to The Whitechapel Centre.

Tesco offer a soft packaging recycling scheme for crisp packets, food pouches and bread bags.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Animal

Donate towels, blankets, pet products, jewellery, stamps, tech, cars, etc to the Scottish SPCA.

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