The WasteNot List

Arts, Crafts & Stationery

Items include: art supplies, business cards, canvas, card, cotton reels, crayons, crepe paper, envelopes, erasers, felt, flipchart paper, glitter, glue, knitting needles, mosaic tiles, paint brushes, paint pallets, paints, paper, pastels, pencils, pens, pipe cleaners plastic wallets, postcards, printer/toner cartridges, ribbon, sequins, sewing needles, sewing thread, stationery, tissue paper, wool

Sell or Donate

  • You can donate unwanted art supplies to establishments such as Scrap Stores.
  • Some hospices, clubs and art groups will accepted donated items.
  • You can sell your second hand goods through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  • You can donate your unwanted items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.

Buy or Receive

  • You can buy arts and craft supplies in establishments such as Scrap Stores, saving them from going to waste.
  • You can buy second hand goods through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  • You can receive free items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.



Find your local recycling centre

The BIC® Writing Instruments Recycling Programme recycles any brand of

  • Pen
  • Felt tip
  • Marker
  • Highlighter
  • Correction fluid pot
  • Correction tape
  • Mechanical pencil
  • Eraser pen

Get Creative ~ Repurpose

Create your own paint palette using contact lens cases or bottle tops


Some things simply cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.
Before buying them think if you really need them? Anything with glitter on cannot be recycled, so why not find a different way to add some sparkle/festivity to your creations.

Main Image Credit: ulleo | Pixabay