Items include: wedding dresses, bridesmaid/prom dresses, baby clothes, coats, dressing up costumes, interview clothes, school uniform, women’s wear, men’s wear, children’s wear, underwear, bras, shoes/footwear, boots, hats, scarves, bags
Sell or Donate
- Clothes banks are located around the country and accept clothing which is in a reusable condition, such as: Traid, Salvation Army, YMCA, and ummah welfare trust.
- Wedding Dresses can be donated to Charity shops or as material for gowns for stillborn babies.
- Donate your clothes, shoes and accessories to any number of Charity Shops located throughout the country.
- Many homeless charities and shelters accept donations of clothes, especially during the winter months.
- Bras can seem like a difficult item to reuse but there are several charities who would gladly take them.
- Some stores offer vouchers for your unwanted clothes, e.g. Marks & Spencer and H&M.
- You can sell your second hand goods through websites such as ebay, Facebook, Preloved and Gumtree.
- You can donate your unwanted items via websites such as Freecycle, Freegle and Freeloved.
Buy or Receive
- Purchase your ‘new’ clothes or accessories from one of the many Charity Shops located throughout the country.
- Save ‘imperfect’ clothes and shoes going to waste by buying factory seconds or returned and ex display items.
- There are many charities that help people get back into the job market by providing a free interview outfit.
- School uniforms are available for free from various community groups or charities.
- You can buy second hand goods through websites such as ebay, Facebook, Preloved and Gumtree.
- You can receive free items via websites such as Freecycle, Freegle and Freeloved.
Check out our post WasteNot Flip Flops
Click here
Patagonia provide a guide on how to repair their clothing. Click here.
See our WasteNot Flip Flops blog for suggestions on how to repair flip flops.
Find your local recycling centre
Recycle Flip flops
Get Creative ~ Repurpose
Fast fashion is a large source of waste. Instead of disposing of barely worn items, why not restyle old outfits to look more modern. For example adding a fashionable scarf or jewellery.
Some things simply cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.
Before buying them, ask yourself if you really need them?
Main Image Credit: HeliDm | Pixabay