Items include: carpet, rugs, flooring, floor tiles, lino
Sell or Donate
- Donate carpets, rugs and flooring to charity, helping those in need.
- Pieces of carpet can be donated to animal shelters.
- Contact your local veterinary practice and ask if they need any old bath mats.
- You can sell your second hand goods through websites such as ebay, Facebook, Preloved and Gumtree.
- You can donate your unwanted items via websites such as Freecycle, Freegle and Freeloved.
Buy or Receive
- Instead of buying a new rug or small sized carpet, have a look at the carpet off-cuts section found in some carpet shops.
- If you’re carpeting your house, the carpet company may be able to make rugs for you from your offcuts.
- Go green and buy a biodegradable rug.
- Antique rugs can be bought in auction houses.
- Buy pet friendly flooring, eg short pile, short loop carpet, easy to clean rugs, etc to prolong the life of your flooring.
- If you’re looking for short term flooring for an event you could hire carpet tiles.
- You can buy second hand goods through websites such as ebay, Facebook, Preloved and Gumtree.
- You can receive free items via websites such as Freecycle, Freegle and Freeloved.

Natural Fibres
Wool * Cotton * Jute * Hemp * Sisal * Bamboo * Seagrass
Find your local recycling centre
Get Creative ~ Repurpose
Carpet offcuts could be used to:
- Go under a liner when creating a garden pond to stop stones piercing through
- Put on the top of an open compost bin to keep the heat in
- Make into a rug
Create your own rug
Some things simply cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.
Before buying them ask yourself if you really need them?
If you have excess carpet when having new carpet fitted find a use for the off cuts. There are a few ideas above.
Main Image Credit: geralt | Pixabay