The WasteNot List

Jewellery, Coins & Stamps

Items include: money, coins, foreign currency, stamps, jewellery, watches

Sell or Donate

  • You can donate money that is no longer in circulation or foreign currency to some charities.
  • There are websites such as Recycling for Good Causes who will take your jewellery and coin donations and send the proceeds to your chosen charity. They will even take broken jewellery and watches.
  • You can sell your second hand goods through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  • You can donate your unwanted items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.

Buy or Receive

  • Auction houses can be a good source for antique jewellery, as can antique shops.
  • You can buy second hand goods through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  • You can receive free items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.



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Get Creative ~ Repurpose

Maybe you have some broken jewellery – why not create a new piece using bits from old pieces.


Some things simply cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.
Before buying them think if you really need them?

Main Image Credit: StockSnap | Pixabay