Dorset Scrap Store
The Dorset Scrap Store provides a community crafting hub that facilitates the re-use of scrap materials.
To purchase items you must first become a member of the Dorset Scrap Store. You can then buy 'scrap bags' - fill your bag from the whole range of items in the store and pay a fixed price based on the size of the bag.
Examples of the types of items which may be available (subject to what has been donated):
- Art supplies - paint brushes, paint pallets, pastels
- Artificial flowers/greenery
- Artificial grass (clean off-cuts or end of roll)
- Baubles
- Beads
- Black-out material
- Bottle corks (clean)
- Bottle tops (washed thoroughly)
- Buckles
- Business cards (must be blank on one side)
- Buttons
- Canvass
- Card (plain and coloured, clean)
- Cardboard rolls (NOT the inside of toilet rolls)
- Carpet samples (clean/not used)
- Cork board
- Cotton reels
- Crepe paper
- Crystals
- Cushions
- Dice
- Drapes & Voiles
- Dress fabrics
- Dressing up costumes (clean)
- Envelopes (not used previously)
- Ex-window display - art items - e.g. decorations, props, fake flowers, bunting
- Fabric swatch books
- Fake fur
- Felt
- Fine electronic wires and cables
- Fine mesh
- Flexible plastic tubing of various diameters
- Flipchart paper
- Foam
- Foam board
- Furniture trimmings
- Gems
- Glitter
- Greetings cards (with or without envelopes)
- Hooks
- Items from costume makers / fashion designers
- Items from haberdashery manufacturers
- Jars - clean and empty
- Jewellery (especially beads)
- Knitting needles
- Lace
- Lino off-cuts (unused)
- Leather
- Mannequins
- Mosaic tiles
- Nails
- Needles and thread
- Novelty items – mini toys, mini jokes, crackers
- Paint brushes, pallets, rollers (in good condition)
- Paper (plain and coloured)
- Paper in rolls
- Perspex
- Picture frames
- Pipe cleaners
- Plain paper bags - small/medium (unused only)
- Plastic bottle tops (only if clean)
- Plastic containers - small/beakers
- Plastic offcuts – rolls
- Plastic tubes
- Plastic table coverings/sheets
- Polyester
- Pom poms
- Postcards (not used)
- Precision springs
- Ribbon
- Screws
- Sequins
- Sewing thread
- Sheet Foam
- Shirt fabric
- Silk
- Small cardboard & plastic boxes
- Stationery- plastic wallets, pencils, rubbers, etc
- Sticky paper
- Sticky-back plastic
- Straws
- String
- Tacks
- Tester pots of paint (unused)
- Theatrical costumes
- Theatrical props
- Tile samples (not used, not covered in grout)
- Tin-foil (unused)
- Tissue paper
- Twine
- Upholstery fabric
- Wadding
- Wallpaper (whole rolls and ends of rolls)
- Wallpaper swatch books
- Wood - small off-cuts without splinters
- Wool
You can also donate items to the Dorset Scrap Store.
See website for details.
Find Out More
Please visit their website for further details, to contact them and for any updates
Buy, Hire, Swap or Get Free
Type of Organisation
Not for Profit
Children, Community, Education/Skills, Environment, Family