Receive second hand outdoor gear from Kitsquad.
Kitsquad supplies donated second hand adventure gear to low-income individuals to enable them to get outdoors wearing or using the appropriate gear.
Items include:
- Day rucksacks
- Expedition rucksacks
- Rucksack liners
- Rucksack rain covers
- Drybags
- Hiking boots
- Hiking shoes
- Trail running shoes
- Tents
- Bivvy bags
- Sleeping bags
- Sleeping mats
- Camping quilts
- Baselayers
- Down jackets
- Fleeces
- Waterproof jackets
- Waterproof trousers
- Hiking trouser
- Technical leggings
- Technical t-shirts
- Socks
- Gloves/mittens
- Hats (woolly and sun hats)
- Camping Stoves
- Lightweight camping pans
- Sporks
- Camping bowls and plates
- Food flasks
- Re-usable water/steel bottles
- Mugs (enamel and collapsible)
- Torches/head torches
- First aid kits
- Emergency whistles
- Group shelters
- Emergency bivvy bags
- Compass
- Hiking poles
- Trail guide books
- Maps
- Power banks
- Dry robes
- Towelling robes
- Wet suits/neoprene clothing
- Swimming Shoes
- Neoprene socks and gloves
See website for details and to find out if you're eligible.
Find Out More
Please visit their website for further details, to contact them and for any updates
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Type of Organisation
Not for Profit
Low/No Income