The WasteNot List

Carpets, Rugs & Flooring

Items include: carpet, rugs, flooring, floor tiles, lino

Sell or Donate

  • Donate carpets, rugs and flooring to charity, helping those in need.
  • Pieces of carpet can be donated to animal shelters.
  • Contact your local veterinary practice and ask if they need any old bath mats.
  • You can sell your second hand goods through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  • You can donate your unwanted items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.

Buy or Receive

  • Instead of buying a new rug or small sized carpet, have a look at the carpet off-cuts section found in some carpet shops.
  • If you’re carpeting your house, the carpet company may be able to make rugs for you from your offcuts.
  • Go green and buy a biodegradable rug.
  • Antique rugs can be bought in auction houses.
  • Buy pet friendly flooring, eg short pile, short loop carpet, easy to clean rugs, etc to prolong the life of your flooring.
  • If you’re looking for short term flooring for an event you could hire carpet tiles.
  • You can buy second hand goods through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  • You can receive free items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.

Natural Fibres
Wool * Cotton * Jute * Hemp * Sisal * Bamboo * Seagrass


Find your local recycling centre

Get Creative ~ Repurpose

Carpet offcuts could be used to:

  • Go under a liner when creating a garden pond to stop stones piercing through
  • Put on the top of an open compost bin to keep the heat in
  • Make into a rug

Create your own rug

Duration: 9:00


Some things simply cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.
Before buying them ask yourself if you really need them?

If you have excess carpet when having new carpet fitted find a use for the off cuts. There are a few ideas above.

Main Image Credit: geralt | Pixabay