Pelican Parcels
Donate baby, maternity and children's items to Pelican Parcels.
Pelican Parcels takes pre-loved and new items donated for babies and children up to age 12, and redistributes them to families facing financial hardship via various existing family services in Brighton & Hove in Sussex.
Items to donate include:
- Arts & Crafts: Paper, pencils, felt, stickers, paint, etc
- Bathroom items: Soap and bubble bath for children and/or new mums (new full bottles), Baby baths or bath inserts and baby towels
- Blankets, bedding and sleeping bags: flat or fitted sheets, duvet covers and pillow slips, blankets, quilts / duvets and mattress protectors for Moses baskets, cots, cobeds and single beds. They can accept a limited stock of double bedlinen.
- Bottles and sterilisers: Microwave and cold water only in near new condition (no used teats)
- Baby Bouncer chairs / rockers – must have a three point safety harness
- Carry Cots
- Carriers
- Children's chairs and tables
- Highchairs
- Clothing: Premature baby size through to 12 years
- Shoes and Wellies
- Cots and travel cots
- Mobiles for cots
- Moses baskets / bassinets
- Toddler beds and bed guards
- Formula (unopened and up to 3 months left to expire)
- Muslins
- Nappies
- Nappy change bags
- Nappy change mats
- Wipes and nappy cream (unopened)
- Baby towels in new or next to new condition
- Play mats
- Prams / buggies
- Pram accessories: including cosey toes, newborn headrests, sunshades, rain covers, spare wheels
- Safety gates and other safety items such as plug covers and cupboard locks
- Toilet training: potties, children’s portable toilet seats and small steps
- Toiletries: toothbrushes and toothpaste, baby bubble bath, sponges and flannels, nappy rash cream, hairbrushes, nail clippers and cotton wool for babies. Shampoo and conditioner, toothbrushes and toothpaste and shower gel for older children and toiletries for adults.
- Disposable breast pads, maternity pads and bathing products like tummy cream and bath oil
- Small cuddly toys, games, puzzles and children’s toys
- Books
See website for details.
Find Out More
Please visit their website for further details, to contact them and for any updates
Sell, Donate, Swap, Lend or Recycle
Donations from
Type of Organisation
Not for Profit
Charity Number
Community, Family, Low/No Income