Scottish SPCA
Items you can donate to the Scottish SPCA
- New towels and blankets
- Used towels and blankets (which are clean and have been laundered)
- Hand knitted items
- Used newspapers (must be bagged)
- Toys in good condition
- Plastic dog beds in good condition
- Dog crates, fish tanks and cages
- Pet food (as long it is unopen and in date)
- Vegetables and fruits for rabbits (spring greens, kale, broccoli, cucumber, spinach, celery, carrots, apples)
- Raffle prizes (as long as they are new and in packaging)
Other items which can be donated to be recycled
- Jewellery and bank notes (including gold, silver, broken costume jewellery, or expired/unwanted bank notes)
- Used stamps
- Electronics (unwanted tablets, gaming consoles or mobile phones)
- Inkjet printer cartridge
- Old cars
Find Out More
Please visit their website for further details, to contact them and for any updates
Sell, Donate, Swap, Lend or Recycle
Donations from
Type of Organisation
Not for Profit
Charity Number
SC 006467