The WasteNot List

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  • Donate
  • Cause: Art, Culture, Heritage

Donate good quality books to the Cotehele Secondhand Book Shop, supporting the work of the National Trust.

Donate coats to Calling London for men, women, children and babies.

Donate items ranging from clothes to ornaments and books to jewellery to the Green Heart Collective.

Recycle your used coffee pods with Podback.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Children, Community, Family, Low/No Income, Waste

Donate outgrown school uniform to Uniform Exchange, supporting families in Kirklees.

Donate good quality books to the Sheffield Park Secondhand Book Shop, supporting the work of the National Trust.

Donate a range of items to ASHA Leicester, including Asian clothing, children's toys, books and household goods.

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