The WasteNot List


Items include: laptops, computer, tablets, keyboards, visual display units (VDUs), PCs, mobiles phones, phones, radios, cameras, televisions, games consoles, cables

Sell or Donate

  1. You can donate computers, tablets, mobile phones and laptops to charity. Make sure you wipe any information off the hard-drive. Some charities do it for you but only agree to this if you know you can trust them.
  2. You can sell your second hand goods directly through websites such as ebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  3. Or you can sell your old mobile phones, tablets and gaming controllers to companies such as Envirofone.
  4. You can donate your unwanted items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.

Buy or Receive

  1. If you tend to change your phone quite often, have you considered purchasing a refurbished mobile phone? This is a great way to cut down on waste.
  2. Looking for a case for your phone? Wave Case is a stylish yet biodegradable phone case made from wheat straw – which is a unique solution to tackling the millions of plastic phone cases that are disposed of every year.
  3. You can buy second hand and refurbished goods through websites such as EnvirofoneebayFacebookPreloved and Gumtree.
  4. You can receive free items via websites such as FreecycleFreegle and Freeloved.


Check out

Before you give up on your old device, check whether it can be repaired. There is a repair section in The WasteNot List directory.


Find your local recycling centre

Routers and TV boxes

Find out how to return and recycle old routers and TV boxes from your provider:


Did you know? Batteries put in rubbish and recycling bins can cause fires.
Portable batteries can be taken to many stores, including WHSmith, Sainsbury’s and B&Q.
Find battery recycling points across the UK with Take Charge.


Some things simply cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.
Before buying them ask yourself if you really need them?

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