The WasteNot List


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Donate your unloved or unused DSLR Camera to Accumulate. 

Donate a range of items to ASHA North Harrow, including Asian clothing, children's toys, books and household goods.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Homeless, UK

Donate clothes, books, DVDs, tech, toys and household items to AMAT UK.

Donate your old tech to the Edinburgh Remakery.

Recycle pens, batteries, electricals, electronics, SodaStream carbonating cylinders and ink and toner cartridges at Ryman.

Donate books, games, technology and sports gear to communities in Africa.

Donate a range of items to ASHA Southall, including Asian clothing, children's toys, books and household goods.

Trade in or sell your games, consoles and tech online with GameXchange.

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