The WasteNot List

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Donate coats to Calling London for men, women, children and babies.

Donate books, vinyl, CDs and DVDs to The Amnesty Bookshop.

Donate your preloved Micro Scooter to Scooteraid.

Donate food, drink, baby items, toiletries, pet food, cleaning products and kitchen items to Kettering Food Bank.

Donate pet food & treats, bedding, blankets, towels, toys, scratching posts etc & items to St Francis Animal Welfare.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Human Rights

Donate books, vinyl, CDs, DVDs, sheet music and National Geographic to Books for Amnesty.

Donate used candles, plant trays and compost bags to Poundbury Gardens.

Donate your bike to the Reading Bike Kitchen.

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