The WasteNot List

Film, Music & Gaming

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  • Donate
  • Cause: Homeless, UK

Donate clothes, books, DVDs, tech, toys and household items to AMAT UK.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Animal, Children, Crime, Disability, Education/Skills, Elderly, Environment, Faith-based, Family, Health, Homeless, Overseas, Refugee, UK, Women

Recycle jewellery, coins, stamps and technology for good causes.

Donate toys, bric-a-brac and books to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Donate books, vinyl, CDs and DVDs to The Amnesty Bookshop.

Donate a range of items to ASHA Hounslow, including Asian clothing, children's toys, books and household goods.

Donate a range of items to ASHA Kenton, including Asian clothing, children's toys, books and household goods.

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