The WasteNot List

Food & Drink

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Tesco offer a soft packaging recycling scheme for crisp packets, food pouches and bread bags.

Donate food, clothes, toiletries, sleeping bags and blankets to help homeless and disadvantaged people in London.

Donate items such as furniture, clothing, linen, kitchenware and ornaments to Mustard Tree.

Donate women's clothes, food and toiletries to Azalea.

Donate food, drink, baby items, toiletries, pet food, cleaning products and kitchen items to Kettering Food Bank.

  • Donate
  • Cause: Children, Community, Family

Donate children's clothing, toys, books, baby items, bedding and toiletries to Stripey Stork.

Donate tinned foods, basic staples, toiletries, laptops and mobile phones to the South London Refugee Association.

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